Certified Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil


Certified Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil
Botanical Name: Origanum majorana
Method of Extraction: Steam Distilled
Parts Used: Dried Flowering Plant
Country of Origin: Eygpt
Uses: Diffuse to support a restful night’s sleep
Try diffusing to bring comfort to those experiencing grief
Try using it in a massage or a relaxing foot soak

Soothing Massage
2 drops Sweet Marjoram
2 drops Roman Chamomile
1 drop Mandarin
1 tablespoon Fractionated Coconut Oil
Use only light pressure with upward strokes, and no pressure on the downward strokes.

Certified Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil

Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Aroma: Rich Spicy, Earthy Herbal
Blends Well With: Eucalyptus, German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Wintergreen
Uses: In the kitchen, sweet marjoram is used as a culinary herb that is excellent in adding flavor to soups, salads, and other delicious dishes.
Marjoram tea is also reportedly consumed by women who wish to ease menopausal symptoms and promote an abundant flow of breastmilk. Meanwhile, sweet marjoram oil produces positive effects when used in:
Vapor therapy through burners and vaporizers. Massage therapy when blended with a mild carrier massage oil and added in bathwater. Topical applications as a salve, cream or lotion. When used as an inhalant or in aromatherapy, sweet marjoram oil works wonders for individuals suffering from insomnia and who have difficulties settling down in bed.

Sweet marjoram oil works as a natural:
Analgesic- alleviating pain related to colds, fevers, inflammation, toothache and headache
Antispasmodic- easing all types of spasms, from respiratory spasms in the intestines to muscular spasms in the limbs
Anaphrodisiac- curbing and controlling abnormal and excessive sexual urges
Antiseptic- preventing both internal and external wounds from becoming infected and from developing tetanus
Antibacterial-  killing bacteria and protecting you from food poisoning, typhoid, malaria and other related bacterial infections in the skin, colon and digestive system
Carminative- effectively solving gas problems like colic, flatulence and stomachache by relaxing muscles in the abdominal region and preventing the formation of excessive gas
Diuretic- increasing frequency and quantity of urination, which in turn helps remove excess water, sodium, uric acid, bile acid and toxic elements in the body
Emmenagogue- regulating irregular and painful menstrual period
Expectorant- dispelling mucus and phlegm and relieving congestion in the nasal tract, larynx, pharynx and lungs due to colds and viral infections
Vasodilator- stopping fungal proliferation
Oil Specific: Oil may cause hypersensitivity and allergic reactions, suggested performing a skin patch test on a small area of your skin to check how you will react to it when you apply it topically. Mixing it with milder carrier oils to lessen its sensitizing effect is a wise strategy.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult a health care practitioner prior to use. Possible skin sensitivity. Do not apply to sensitive tissues. Not intended for children six years of age or younger.
The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neither Oh that glow nor its products are intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.


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