Certified Citrus Essential Oil


Certified Citrus Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Citrus
Method of Extraction: Cold Press
Parts Used: Peel Rhines
Country of Origin: Asia and Mediterranean
Uses: General benefits from using these oils during aromatherapy
Natural skin care due to the antioxidant and vitamin C properties of citrus oils
Improved cardiovascular condition due to lower blood cholesterol, balanced blood sugar content, and liver detoxification
Improved digestion due to the cleansing effect of citrus oils

Citrus Oil Diffuser Recipe
5 drops Orange essential oil
5 drops Citrus essential oil
3 drops Grapefruit essential oil
Directions: Mix together and enjoy.

Certified Citrus Essential Oil

Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
Aroma: Refreshing, Rejuvenating, Freshly Peeled Citrus
Blends Well With: Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime.
Uses: Diffuse the oil to clean and freshen the air, while uplifting your mood and promoting upbeat, confident feelings. Citrus also may help refresh a tired mind and clear inferior thoughts.

Concentration: diffuse when you are working on a project that you really have to focus.

Skin: using Citrus topically comes with the bonus benefit of the citrus oils working together to tone and smooth the appearance of skin

Spread Cheer: Citrus oils are known to be uplifting, diffuse them where you want to lift everyone’s spirits

Calming Kids: Diffuse this while my kids are playing and not only are they more creative and focused but they are also much more calm.

Label Remover: Add a few drops to a paper towel and use that to scrub and dissolve stickers off of windows or labels off of jars, no harsh chemical solvents.

Remove Scuff Marks: Using the same method to remove stickers, also remove scuff marks from our hardwood floor

Air Freshener: Diffuse to make the air citrus fresh.


Oil Specific: Some of the oils in this blend are phototoxic. Always keep the applied areas out of direct sunlight for a few hours after application.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult a health care practitioner prior to use. Possible skin sensitivity. Do not apply to sensitive tissues. Not intended for children six years of age or younger.
The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neither Oh that glow nor its products are intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.


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